fig among fruits

fig among fruits

among grapes 
among apples 
an orange
a peach

lone fig

a lone fig


(unknown except for the wasp that burrowed
once upon a time)

inverted explosion of flowers
humble fig hiding that

beauty in the bite
otherwise a secret sight
try it (see it)
bite it (taste it)

dearest fig in the fruit basket,
(how did you get there
and who picked you
and who placed you 
and why)
you hold your secrets close
fake fruit, "friends" might say
pray for them 
they don't understand you
and you don't need them to
you are a beautiful flower
a delicious flower

but hour by hour
not chosen
lone fig in the fruit basket
known not by basket buzzing humans 
bitterness would be an easy option
would be an easy toxin
but you waited
someone will be sated
by you

fig among fruits.

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